Protection of Children from Sexual Offence (POCSO Act-2012) Committee consisting of following members has been constituted for ensuring a safe, secure and supportive environment for students who are the prime responsibility.

S.No Name of the Member Designation Contact No
1 Ms. Karthika Kumar Principal 044-26792861
2 Mr. Sakthivel Vice Principal 9444320195
3 Ms. Vani M Special Educator 9841618322
4 Ms. Yvarani V Counsellor 9944045211
5 Ms. Padmini K Teacher 9444741429
6 Ms. R Chithra Accountant 6380394366
7 Mr. Jagadeesan Parent 9566262018
8 Miss. Brinda Devi R, Grade XII Female Student 9003214191
9 Master. Sabarinesan S, Grade XII Male Student 9789912424


This committee will take immediate action on reported cases of misbehaviour in the school premises on account of sexual offences.



To deal with complaints of sexual harassment of female employees of the school in light of letter no. CBSE/Aff./Harassment/2001/8866 dated 16.7.2001 and circular No.F.DE.15/Act-1/ Vishakha guidelines/2014/25342-47 dated 28/7/2014 the following have been nominated as members of the Vishakha committee.

S.No Name of the Member Designation Contact No
1 Ms. Karthika Kumar Principal 044-26792861
2 Ms. S Haritha Vice Principal 9003287399
3 Ms. Subashini M Head Mistress (4 & 5) 9150950195
4 Ms. Lakshmi Narasu Head Mistress (KG & 3) 9840623925
5 Ms. M Vani Special Educator 9841618322
6 Ms.Seema Srivastava Parent – Bar Council Association Member 9176872679